Monday, April 04, 2005


Okay, I haven't got my head round this blog thing well enough to grab the stick from Alice so that will have to wait a bit. No new poetry, I've descended into the usual artistic funk, 'cause as I always say, If you haven't tried to top yourself, you're not a poet. So it goes for me as I had sorted a new place to live n' it fuckin' fell through. I seriously need to move, ask anyone, my place is bad bad bad vibes and worse people. Bummer dude! I've been packing and the first things to be wrapped n' tenderly placed in boxes were all of my skulls. I feel as if I have momentarily lost my zen with them gone. Enough bitchin', fingers n' toes crossed as I have a second interview for the all important day job, later this week. You know, I've been writin' this and readin' it n' I'm thinkin', Who the fuck cares about all this personal shite? Don't know, don't care, I'll fuckin' post it anyway.

1 comment:

Alice said...

I care.

And any personal shite that involves skulls has to be entertaining.
