Tuesday, September 20, 2005


You may remeber, darlings, that I mentioned in an earlier posting how very friendly people in Austin were. Well now I'm wondering if that is only when they are face to face with you. I have sent out numerous emails, re: poetry and jobs, from both London and Austin with no response at all. People of Austin, what's your deal? I have afforded you a few risible moments, do you not remember the day y'all saw me walking down the road dressed up like a dog's dinner and carrying a full length mirror on my head? Of course you do.. you slowed down pointed and laughed and I was more than happy to bring a little amusement into your day. You've watched me fumble with coins with which I am no longer familiar and look at you stupidly when you tell me how much I owe you, 'cause I can't yet get my head round the fact that tax is not included in the price. I've nodded and said mornin', afternoon and evenin' to y'all when I see you on the street and I always thank the bus driver when I reach my destination. What more do you want of me? I don't even care if I get a fuck off response, any response would be appreciated. Let me know you're alive out there Austin.

Did y'all notice I didn't mentioned smoking at all in this posting?

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