Saturday, November 12, 2005


Been looking for a job for far too long. No one, it seems, offers programmes utlilising the experience and skills I garnered in London. That's the difference between a nanny state in the UK and the US dictum pull yourself up by your own boot straps. It appears if you are unemployed in the US, you're own your own. The enterprsie culture is not supported in this country. No problem, I think, I'll just apply for pretty much anything that will pay me a meagre wage that will cover rent, food and fags. Ah... but no. Advert after advert repeats ad naseum, you will need a valid driving license and a late model car. Austin has a pretty good bus system, pretty much always runs to schedule and goes anywhere you need to get to. Apparently not good enough for the employers in this city. It gets worse though. I decided I would apply for brain dead jobs... sit in a cubicle wearing headphones and plugged into a computer taking telephone calls from customers for a mobile phone company. Anyone with just half a brain could do that. Well maybe they could but first they would have to have a backgound check and submit to a drug test. Are they fucking kidding! I can hear the conversation now, between a recidivist drug user and anarchist (that would be me) and a customer. Dude, you know this fucking phone company is ripping you off so why don't you go postal on the bastards and take out everyone you see with a cell phone. You get the idea, okay it could be fun but I really only want to do my job, get paid, go home, smoke my fags and read my books. I didn't follow through on that job application. My latest interview is with an environmental group, I'll be going from house to house soliciting donations for a campaign to stop the artic drilling.
Good cause, a low paying job = my life.
Meaningless bureaucracy, facist requirements = US employers.


Alice said...

Don't worry lady - someone is sure to recognize your awesomeness soon and give you a highly paid job to sit and be awesome.

I've got a really good feeling about it!

cadydidwhat said...

I'm suprised as hell that you were even interviewing for a job answering phones in customer service at all -- because nearly ALL the companies with which I deal (credit card, mortgage, cell phones, etc) have got this preponderance of folks who aren't even IN the United States. They're answering the line in Pakistan or some other remote country. It's BIZARRE.

I'm sympatico with you on the drug testing, too. I'm a stay-at-home Mom who hopes to get back into the workforce within the next 6 - 12 months, and I'm wondering with more and more employers insisting on it, who the heck I'm going to get to drop for me! Ha ha.

Good Luck!!!